This blog will provide you complete information regarding the admission process about MA English Examination from the Punjab University. As well you will come to know about the course out-line for the first year and second year. Please follow the page list given on the right side of the blog according to your choice and requirement. If you have any query or question, you may ask on my email address given at the end or leave comments on the page. Your precious comments will help me to improve this effort. Start following and be updated...

Course Outline Part 1

M.A. (English) Part I Examination

(Outlines of Tests) Marks

Paper I (Classical Poetry) 100

Paper II (Drama) 100

Paper III (Novel) 100

Paper IV (Prose) 100

Paper V (American Literature) 100

Total 500 (Syllabus and course of reading)

Paper I: (Classical Poetry)

1. Chaucer The Prologue

2. Milton Paradise Lost Books I & Book IX

3. Donne Love/Divine Poems

4. Pope The Rape of the Lock.

5. Wyatt
  • The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor,
  • Whose List to Hunt, Madam Withouen Many Words,
  • They Flee from Me. Is it Possible Forget Not Yet,
  • What should I say Stand who so list.

6. Surrey
  • My Friend the Things That Do Attain Love,
  • That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought,
  • So Cruel Prison,
  • Wyatt Resteth Here.
Paper II: (Drama)

1. Sophocles Oedipus Rex

2. Marlowe Dr. Faustus

3. Shakespeare
  • Othello
  • The Winter’s Tale

4. Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest

Paper III: (Novel)

1. Trollope Barchester Towers

2. Jane Austen Pride & Prejudice

3. G. Eliot Adam Bede

4. Dickens A Tale of Two Cities

5. Hardy The Return of the Native

Paper IV: (Prose)

1. Bacon Essays:
  • Of Truth
  • Of Death
  • Of Revenge
  • Of Adversities
  • Of Simulation and Dissimulation
  • Of Parents and Children
  • Of Great Place
  • Of Nobilitie
  • Of Superstition
  • Of Friendship
  • Of Ambition
  • Of Studies

2. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels

3. Bertrand Russell Unpopular Essays

4. Edward Said Only the introduction to the book entitled “Culture and Imperialism”

5. Seamus Heaney Only the essay “The Redress of Poetry” from the book entitled The Redress of Poetry

Paper V: (American Literature)


1. Adrienne Rich
  • Diving into the Wreck
  • Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
  • Final Notation Gabriel

2. Sylvia Plath
  • Ariel
  • Morning Song
  • Poppies in October
  • The Bee Meeting
  • The Arrival of the Bee Box
  • Your

3. Richard Wilbur
  • Still Citizen Sparrow
  • After the last Bulletin
  • Marginalia

4. John Ashbury
  • Melodic Train
  • Painter

1. O’Neil Mourning becomes Electra (only the First of the Trilogy which is titled
‘The Home Coming’ is included in the M.A. Syllabus)

2. Miller The Crucible
1. Ernest Hemingway For whom the Bell Tolls
2. Toni Morrison Jazz


  1. you should involve about Islamic history in ma course

    1. lols.. kardi na phir Molvio wali he... This is M.A english not M.A Islamiat.. :)

    2. Mr. Usman Farooqui as per your statement you are stating It is M.A. Eng not M.A. Islamiyat. Must be aware that in this course we read every aspect of christianity. So What's wrong with it if we read Islamic poetry or something like that in English language.

    3. Yup agreed.
      Some Islamic stuff must be included .

    4. Yup agreed.
      Some Islamic stuff must be included .

    5. Why don't you suggest some good islamic literature and poetry? I'm sure the concerned people will be interested in learning about it and then perhaps consider including it

    6. After Saadan Noor's reply to suggest 'some good Islamic literature and poetry', the discussion did not advance further. Why? Hafiz Muhammad Naeem, who initiated this discussion, and Amir Sohail should provide some suggestions about what to include in course. Empty words anybody can give about Islam, but when it comes to providing concrete information everybody become quiet. Is this the level of of your Islamic education?

    7. english is language of christian so they have every right to talk about their custom.Arabic is language of muslim.If u want to learn about islam then go for MA islamiat

    8. Islam is not just in languages. I m also agree with all muslims (Huffaz, Qaries other people) that we should include islamic history in MA English papers. so that we can know and the other people can also know about true Islamic values, Science is also in English but very sorry to say all those who said its from Europe. If you know about history it was Muslim scientists who introduce mathematics biology chemistry not English scients.

    9. Your words have worth... But there is no one who think in this matter deeply

    10. Don't take me for a guy whose views are anti-religion, but to my mind, Islamic history has no concern with MA English. As the very title of the program hints, it is suppossed to be about English and what influenced English language and literature. Moreover, i strongly believe that as Muslims, we shouldn't be dependent on our curricula to know about our religion and its origin and history rather it must be our primary objective before anyother to apprise ourselves of our religion and how it developed to the shape that it is today.

    11. English is just language,enjoy andamuse the smell of super powers how they are ruling the world

    12. I wanna understand about M. A islamiat please help me

    13. Russell k essays kn kn say karny h?name bata dain

  2. is ki date sheet kahan se mile gi plz send me link

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. is this only course i heard there were eight novels for part 1 correct me please

    1. hi, actually what you have heard is right but its in the syllabus of peshawar and others universities whose courses are so heavier and in here in punjab university there are only these five novels , and mind you , in those syllabuses there are 14 books of poetry while here are only six and same is the case with other subjects so you are advised to go for heavier course to learn much more than going for lighter one, which opens up new horizons of mind . wish you best of luck thanks

    2. hi, actually what you have heard is right but its in the syllabus of peshawar and others universities whose courses are so heavier and in here in punjab university there are only these five novels , and mind you , in those syllabuses there are 14 books of poetry while here are only six and same is the case with other subjects so you are advised to go for heavier course to learn much more than going for lighter one, which opens up new horizons of mind . wish you best of luck thanks

    3. yeh sab books k nam hain kya?

  4. john milton books i& xi whole included in outline or just speeches of Adam and Satan are inluded

  5. hello dears it should have been much more heavier course than it is, to make our students to cherish their future .our students then cant compete there with those coming from the university of peshawar and so many others whose courses are much more heavier than that of punjab university. Along with its reputation and talented staff it deserve to have a heavier course as well .

    here in pu we have only 5 novels and 6 books of poetry 4 dramas little prose only of 5 writers and selected materials from four books of american literature WHILE In peshawar university they have 14 books of poetry 10-12 novels 9 dramas much more Heavier prose and apart history of english literature which is not included in pu course .
    NOW you think will there not be a yawning gap between us there students . WONDER STRUCK
    THANKS a bunch

  6. hello dears it should have been much more heavier course than it is, to make our students to cherish their future .our students then cant compete there with those coming from the university of peshawar and so many others whose courses are much more heavier than that of punjab university. Along with its reputation and talented staff it deserve to have a heavier course as well .

    here in pu we have only 5 novels and 6 books of poetry 4 dramas little prose only of 5 writers and selected materials from four books of american literature WHILE In peshawar university they have 14 books of poetry 10-12 novels 9 dramas much more Heavier prose and apart history of english literature which is not included in pu course .
    NOW you think will there not be a yawning gap between us there students . WONDER STRUCK
    THANKS a bunch

    1. AOA...i wanna know about MA english is it difficult i wanna give exams of ma english part 1 and 2 this year is it possible for me to gain better grade.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes you are right. Actually its just due to our useless educational system. I am M.A with 88% marks but I am fed up from these useless degrees

    2. You are idiot because you used education just for earning not knowledge

  8. Aslam o alikum
    I want to do M.a english privately from punjab uni lahore.. please provide me detailed information about it.
    I wna ask about admission forms : fee structures : books writers name : how many books of it : is syllabus changed or same : please inform me thanks
    no admin is replying on any side

  9. I did my BA English literature in 1990 . I want to resume my studies and privately take Masters in English.. Please do advise how can I fulfill my dream . Anyone out there to afvise ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. v r on the same boat,have u taken any initiative yet?

    3. v r on the same boat,have u started preparation?

    4. v r on the same boat,have u started preparation?

  10. Hi there i m preparing for m a english part one exams.i want to ask that from which genre i have ti start i.e.novel or some other genre plz advise.n any help for the notes?

  11. Hi there i m preparing for m a english part one exams.i want to ask that from which genre i have ti start i.e.novel or some other genre plz advise.n any help for the notes?

  12. Hi I wana do M.A in English ,please it's my request could someone help me about the slybus.i say again plz let me know.

  13. Syllabus should be consist some Islamic history and it should help in practical life.

    1. I need help regarding form filling m.a english

  14. cmon people... this is english and there isnt aweful lot of literature here either

  15. If any body is willing to give away old books of MA along wd notes and guides. Please let me knw.

  16. dear brothers i want to do an m.a english as a private please send me syllabus part 1


    1. MA English From Punjab University

      Course Outline Part 1
      M.A. (English) Part I Examination

      (Outlines of Tests) Marks

      Paper I (Classical Poetry) 100

      Paper II (Drama) 100

      Paper III (Novel) 100

      Paper IV (Prose) 100

      Paper V (American Literature) 100

      Total 500 (Syllabus and course of reading)

      Paper I: (Classical Poetry)

      1. Chaucer The Prologue

      2. Milton Paradise Lost Books I & Book IX

      3. Donne Love/Divine Poems

      4. Pope The Rape of the Lock.

      5. Wyatt
      The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor,
      Whose List to Hunt, Madam Withouen Many Words,
      They Flee from Me. Is it Possible Forget Not Yet,
      What should I say Stand who so list.

      6. Surrey
      My Friend the Things That Do Attain Love,
      That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought,
      So Cruel Prison,
      Wyatt Resteth Here.
      Paper II: (Drama)

      1. Sophocles Oedipus Rex

      2. Marlowe Dr. Faustus

      3. Shakespeare
      The Winter’s Tale

      4. Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest

      Paper III: (Novel)

      1. Trollope Barchester Towers

      2. Jane Austen Pride & Prejudice

      3. G. Eliot Adam Bede

      4. Dickens A Tale of Two Cities

      5. Hardy The Return of the Native

      Paper IV: (Prose)

      1. Bacon Essays:
      Of Truth
      Of Death
      Of Revenge
      Of Adversities
      Of Simulation and Dissimulation
      Of Parents and Children
      Of Great Place
      Of Nobilitie
      Of Superstition
      Of Friendship
      Of Ambition
      Of Studies

      2. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels

      3. Bertrand Russell Unpopular Essays

      4. Edward Said Only the introduction to the book entitled “Culture and Imperialism”

      5. Seamus Heaney Only the essay “The Redress of Poetry” from the book entitled The Redress of Poetry

      Paper V: (American Literature)


      1. Adrienne Rich
      Diving into the Wreck
      Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
      Final Notation Gabriel

      2. Sylvia Plath
      Morning Song
      Poppies in October
      The Bee Meeting
      The Arrival of the Bee Box

      3. Richard Wilbur
      Still Citizen Sparrow
      After the last Bulletin

      4. John Ashbury
      Melodic Train

      1. O’Neil Mourning becomes Electra (only the First of the Trilogy which is titled
      ‘The Home Coming’ is included in the M.A. Syllabus)

      2. Miller The Crucible
      1. Ernest Hemingway For whom the Bell Tolls
      2. Toni Morrison Jazz

  17. dear brothers i want to do an m.a english as a private please send me syllabus part 1

  18. ایم اے انگلش کی تمام کتب کے مفت ترجمے بھی میں ڈاؤن لوڈ کرچکا ہوں باقی دوست بھی کرسکتے ہیں مفت

  19. Assalamo Alikum
    Anybody from Faisalabad who will inform me about the best academy in the city, because I want to do M.A as a private candidate.
    Send me details about the syllabus and studies at my WhatsApp no.03153031505

  20. Assalamo Alikum
    Anybody from Faisalabad who will inform me about the best academy in the city, because I want to do M.A as a private candidate.
    Send me details about the syllabus and studies at my WhatsApp no.03153031505

  21. this is for English literature,can someone tell me about English language syllabus please.

    1. Hi Liston join kips academies they for the best dear

  22. Yeah agree at least they should add one chapter of Islamic history in all subjects.

  23. naguib mehfouz's cairo trilogy and other books may be added.

  24. Replies
    1. We all need to join the group
      like as whats up ...

    2. We all need to join the group
      like as whats up ...

    3. yes ... have my number 03074193419

  25. I belong to faisalabad i want to private M.A English any body guide me plz
    03027788231, 03127096540 about private M.A English

    1. sure
      you may get in touch with me anytime via phone

  26. I want to purchase all old books of MA English Part 1, is there any one,

  27. Bro dot rely online contacts for such infor. try to trace personal contacts for best advise

  28. I m gonna appear in exams for M.A eng PU as a private student this year.Can someone pls guide me what percentage should I secure to b eligible for lecturership exam. Thanks

    1. Dear Pls advise if I register for MA English today with a triple fee from GCUF and if by September I am not ready for exams may I skip from exams totally or is it compulsory to appear in exams in full or partially. I fear that If I do not register now MA may discontinue from next year. Plz give best advise. I am 39 years old.

    2. I need help regarding form filling of m.a in English literature subject main kya likhna hai

  29. ASSALAM O ALAIKUM!! U r doing MA english private from punjab uni lahore?

    1. میں نے ایم اے انگلش میں پرائیویٹ میں داخلہ لینا ھے

  30. Kya bsc general math karne k bad regular m.a eng me admition mil sakta pu lahore ki tarf se

  31. Useless educational system . slap you on your face education ministry. You are distroying future of Pakistan. We are reading useless educational material & have no future even spending huge expenses in the shape of fee. I am M.A l.l.b with 89% marks. What I got?? Just dust of courts?? Finally I decide after marriage am not going to waist my children's time. They will be business men but will never sale education and destroy the others future. Spite on your educational system . Mr shareef

  32. free education for all

  33. I am going to appear in MA eng part 1 exams 2017 privately by PU. My 1st paper is going to be held in 12 july 2017 and now i am starting my any one can tell my how can i pass my all exams through a short cut praparatio

  34. john donne ki love poems kon kon si hy?
    please tell me

  35. Replies
    1. there are many
      The Flea
      The Sun Rising
      Good Morrow
      Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
      Twicknam Garden

  36. Feeling much relieved after two papers!!
    They went good and I attempted full paper Alhamdulillah. Whats about you all?

    1. hi tanzeela if u can pls guide me ....r all the love and divine poems of john donne r included?

    2. Assalam o Alaikum,
      Sadia, I am sorry for late reply. How can I help you?
      I didn't get your query. Did you asked that if all Donne love poems included in Syllabus or you referred to my mentioned poems?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Does someone know the cost i
    Of all of the books ? Is it better to buy books or guides of them while doing it privately?

  38. Guys who stops you from reading Islamic history or literature? My answer is No one! From Adam (A.S) to Muhammad (peace be upon him)and what has been practiced until now in the real sense of Islam is all Islamic History so why don't you (my friends)study that and why you want to include all that in English Literature class?, there should be a masters program in Islamic literature and anyone who is interested in that can do that.

  39. registration for m.a part 1 in eng will be opened in oct contact this nmbr if someone wants inf about admission /////number is 04299231105

    1. yes ma'am... i"ll contect u for ma english registration

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. An Educationist says that is this level of your Islamic education? Why he is not introducing himself as a christian. The reason is that he is christian but is ashamed of himself being chistian and we are proud of being Muslims. It is the proof the purity and supriority of our Islamic culture and history.
    He must know this is not MA Cristianity but a master degree in a language. So if we learn that language alongside with our sared religion, that,s a wonderfull idea.

  42. An Educationist says that is this level of your Islamic education? Why he is not introducing himself as a christian. The reason is that he is christian but is ashamed of himself being chistian and we are proud of being Muslims. It is the proof the purity and supriority of our Islamic culture and history.
    He must know this is not MA Cristianity but a master degree in a language. So if we learn that language alongside with our sared religion, that,s a wonderfull idea.

  43. i just saw some comments being made above about why haven't they added Islamic study or Islamic poetry to M.A English. It shows the deep reverence of those people for Islam which is worth approbation; but the problem is that it won't seem appropriate to add Islamic study to English literatue. If u really wanna study Islamic history then MA Islamiat is open for you. Moreover, If they really take exception to the fact that Islamic poetry is not on the syllabus of MA English then you should also complain that why Islamic study is not added to the courses of Physics, Biology; Chemistry and whatnot.

    1. My brother, I am, myself, a strict follower of Islam, Alhamdu Lillah. But when you are learning English, it means you are learning English culture. This is a fact that M.A English is not only English Literature but 'ENGLISH CULTURE' as well. Never mind.

  44. Is this the new course or still the old one ? Because I have to fill in the M.A English Part 1 admission form for annual exam 2018 and they have given two option .... Old course.... New this the new one..??

  45. Bro please upload other books i need it

  46. books konsi laini hain.aik guide book ya text books?

  47. I do Bsc ( math, computer, statistics) form PU can i do MA english while i am not study english literature at Bsc level

  48. i also apply 4 MA eng plz guid me what cn i do 4 gud prepartion?any 1 hlp me n tell me slybuss books n notes if any 1 hav plz comnt plz

  49. Same questions regarding admission in MA english as of Hajra Bashir.Can anyone guide please ??

  50. Allhamdulilah done it 3yrs before...

  51. how can we learn about English literature without reading English culture. it is literature not language.

  52. Salam' i have some confussion can you plz help me??

  53. I hear that there is 29 authors totall in m.a eng part 1
    But you mention jst some authours like in drama there are 10 darams in book that i have bt u mention jst 5 dramas so plz explain and clear my confussion .

  54. Sir agr private ma English krain to Kon c acdmy lain hm jis Sy hm Ist attempt m e clear kr jaen

  55. if anyone wants to join any academy about English, come to me, I have a great teacher

  56. Please tell me good Academy for M.A English.... in lhr???

  57. Anyone can tell me about old and new course I am student of ma english part1 please I have to take examination in 2019 from punjab university

  58. I am the student of m.a English part one by the uos, the course outline of both universities are almost equal syllabus. But, the brief course about islamic affair should be included in this course and attainment of substantial knowledge to mentioned in english language. According to my idea, no need to join academy for m.a english so, you keep on mind & to try it. May Allah your hardworking efforts made you a successful candidate in this regard.

  59. I also want to start ma english preparation but I have keeping only gide

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  61. Can we apply for m a English with math Stat economics in BSc.

  62. I just wanna know ma english mai just english hti hai ya baki or subjectsb bhi?

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  64. I am also interested to do am English but have no guideline

  65. Assalam o alikum! please someone tell me the information of M.A English I want to get admission in English ..... It is new syllabus which is mentioned here?

  66. Can someone help to guide me about new syyllabus....

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  68. Can someone guide me about ma english. I start ma english from islamia university bahwalpur

  69. I m from Los Angeles County, plan to come to Lahore for couple months. I want to take part in MA English part 1 exam from PU . Where can I buy books from for the exam? Any help in this regard please.

  70. Can someone give me guidelines for MA eng part 1 syllabus ?

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